Although two contact plane seems to have fully fit, but the actual contact is some discrete area, other did not contact interface in fills the air, through when the added heat resistance, thermal interface materials by filling the equipment between heat source and heat sink, fill the gaps between interface, eliminate cracks in the air, which reduces the contact thermal resistance between, In order to improve the heat transfer rate between the two, then the thermal conductive silica gel sheet is a kind of thermal interface material?

サーマルシリコンシート is a kind of gap filling gasket made of silicone oil as the base material, adding thermal conductivity, insulation and temperature resistant materials. サーマルシリコンシート has the characteristics of high thermal conductivity, low interface thermal resistance, insulation, compressibility and so on. Because the texture of thermal conductive silica gel sheet is soft, it can realize small thermal resistance under low pressure. At the same time, the air between the contact surface is excluded and the rough surface between the contact surface is fully filled to improve the heat conduction effect of the contact surface. Because of the good filling effect of the サーマルシリコンシート, it can effectively conduct the heat of the heating source to the shell, and the サーマルシリコンシート has good compressibility and elasticity, which can well serve as a shock absorber pad.